Filming day 1

So on the first day of filming the media team did not have the correct cameras, so instead we used this day to block scenes, get soundscape samples, and record some ADR/B roll vocals, such as little improvised lines for the dancing scenes further on in the film.

This gave the media team the opportunity to work out where would be best for them to film, and gave us a chance to get some audio recorded from the rehearsals. we were also able to watch how scenes played out and make a mental list of things that would have to be edited in post production, such as removing any laptop typing sounds from the radio mic signals, and other loud noises that would have been picked up by all of the microphones.

this also gave us a chance to practise, with Callum focussing on naming our clips on the way into the 633, and myself focussing on holding the boom mic correctly, making sure that the microphone was pointing at the right area to pick up the vocals cleanly.

We were also able to start practising on attaching the clip mics to the actors, this proved to be a challenge because the tape we were using was too plastic sounding and made a loud rustling noise whenever the actors moved too much.

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